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Welcome to Saddle Ridge


Welcome to the Saddle Ridge Subdivision website! We are a vibrant West Knoxville community of more than 200 homes in Farragut, Tennessee. With a manicured entrance, spacious brick homes, gracious amenities, excellent schools, friendly neighbors, planned social activities, and beautiful views of the Great Smoky Mountains, Saddle Ridge is a great place to live. Our location is convenient for quick access to I-40/I-75, Knoxville, Oak Ridge and Lenoir City as well as local shopping, restaurants, hospitals, walking trails and community parks. Saddle Ridge’s amenities include a clubhouse, swimming pool, playground, and two tennis courts with added striping for pickle ball play. We have an active volunteer HOA Board which works to ensure our amenities and common areas remain in excellent condition and uphold Saddle Ridge covenants and rules to the benefit of all of our homeowners. Plan to visit us soon; we think you’ll like what you see!

Neighborhood News 

Neighborhood  Events


Dear Saddle Ridge Residents, I hope this message finds you well! I’m writing to remind everyone of our annual budget HOA Board Meeting and elections.

Date: March 11th

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Saddle Ridge Clubhouse

Please join us to stay informed and share your input. Additionally, I’d like to remind everyone that all dogs must be leashed while walking around the neighborhood. This is for the safety and comfort of everyone in the community. As my term and the terms of other board members come to an end, I want to take a moment to reflect on what an incredible experience it has been serving as your HOA President. It has truly been a pleasure working with such an engaged and thoughtful community. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to making Saddle Ridge an even better place to call home. Please see below for information on the upcoming board positions that will be open. If you’re interested in serving or have questions about what’s involved, feel free to reach out. Looking forward to seeing many of you at the meeting! Best regards, Jose Santiago President, Saddle Ridge HOA

HOA Board Meeting and Elections: Date: March 11th Time: 7:00 PM Location: Saddle Ridge Clubhouse

Special Announcement!

Please be  informed  that the terms for the President, Vice President, and Secretary positions on the HOA board are coming to an end. It has been a pleasure serving our community, and we appreciate the support and collaboration from our neighbors.  

We are now seeking dedicated individuals to step into these leadership roles. If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please let us know as soon as possible. A neighborhood vote will be required to fill these positions. Without community members stepping up, an outside organization may need to take over HOA management, which could result in less control over how our neighborhood is run.  

Your involvement is crucial in keeping Saddle Ridge a great place to live. Please consider joining the HOA board and making a positive impact on our community.  

If you have any questions or are interested in a position, feel free to reply to this email or reach out directly. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!  

Jose Santiago

Saddle Ridge HOA President

865-364-6580 (call/text)

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The following are the major functional areas of responsibilities: Board Officers President -¬‐ the president shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors; shall see that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out; shall sign all leases, mortgages, deeds and other written instruments and shall co-¬‐sign all promissory notes. Vice President -¬‐ the vice president shall act in the place and stead of the president in the event of his absence, inability or refusal to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required of him by the Board. Secretary -¬‐ the secretary shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board and of the members; serve notice of meetings of the Board and of the members; keep appropriate current records showing the members of the Association together with their addresses, and shall perform such other duties as required by the Board or the office of the secretary. Treasurer -¬‐ the treasurer shall receive and deposit in appropriate bank accounts all monies of the Association and shall disburse such funds as directed by resolution of the Board of Directors; shall sign all promissory notes of the Association; keep proper books of account; cause an annual financial review of the Association books to be made by an Association resident not serving on the Board, but approved by a majority of the Board, at the completion of each fiscal year, shall follow the financial protocols developed by the Board; and shall prepare an annual budget and statement of income and expenditures to be presented to the membership at its regular annual meeting, and deliver a copy of each to the members. Committees: Architectural Review Committee Member Responsibilities • Responsible for review and approval of all proposed home building plans, including all exteriors and selected interior criteria enumerated in the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&R’s), as well as all changes and modifications to existing homes, including but not limited to paint colors, materials, fences, patios, decks, porches, pools, front setbacks, retaining walls, driveways, satellite dishes, etc. • Confirm that all buildings and modifications meet the association’s architectural guidelines set forth in the CC&R’s, ensuring overall design requirements are in keeping with Traditional Architecture as defined in the declaration and are in harmony with the existing neighborhood. • Act as member of Advisory Committee (ARC), comprised of not less than three (3) members approved by Board of Directors for the purpose of evaluating and approving dwellings, improvements and modifications within guidelines specified in the CC&R’s. • Present proposed building or modifications to Board at regular board meetings, as needed. Clubhouse Chairperson Responsibilities Responsible for overseeing the physical maintenance and utilization of the clubhouse. • Ensure that routine clubhouse systems maintenance is performed. • Oversee professional cleaning of the clubhouse interior. Coordinate cleaning activity with the Pool and Tennis Chairperson when the pool is open. • Oversee Pest Control service of the clubhouse. • Maintain stock of disposable items used at the clubhouse. • Coordinate clubhouse use for all functions, whether they are paid rentals, or no-fee use for the neighborhood. o Maintain clubhouse Google Calendar o Handle communication regarding clubhouse availability, rules and regulations, and answer questions as they arise. o Ensure that renters have completed the required online forms prior to authorizing rentals o Check the condition of the clubhouse prior to and after each use o Collect rental payment o Responsible for providing the SRHA Treasurer with all rental payments and Invoices • Assist with budget preparation by supplying financial information relevant to the clubhouse • Provide routine reports regarding the clubhouse at SRHA Board meetings Covenant Compliance • Responsible for enforcement of covenant non-compliances • Sends letters to violators • Maintains record of letters Data Committee Member Responsibilites • SR gmail acct, updating directory and other lists • Garage Sale – Decide on a date, place ads in Knoxville News Sentinel, craigslist, Farragut press and our website. The morning of sale, at first light, go out and post the garage sale signs. Once sale is over go out and collect signs. (In the past when we’ve put them out the evening before they were taken during the night.) • Update SR directory – Update the directory as needed and then have it posted on website. When there are updates need to change all the files that need to be and then have it posted to the website as needed and update the treasurer with a master list for dues etc. • Work and review security camera if issues arise. Landscaping Committee Responsibilities •Maintain landscaping contract • Contract covers year round: •Lawn mowing •Mulch •Shrubs •Leaves •Fertilization •Irrigation •Aeration & grass seed •Seasonal Flowers •Lightning for sign and trees •Misc. holiday decorations •Tree trim or removal •Retention area maintenance Pool and Tennis Court Committee Member responsibilities Pool • Coordinating with pool opening / closing personnel to set out and clean all furniture, hang all required signage, safety equipment, and verifying water quality prior to opening. • Coordination with Pool Contractor to open, maintain, repair, and close pool. Verify the Pool Contractors work. • Verifying water quality is maintained by reviewing Pool Contractors reports. Restricting pool access and retest as required. • Coordinate with Pool contractor to clean the pool in case of introduction biological hazard. • Ensuring the pool, pool area, fencing, and bathrooms are maintained (bathrooms during open season only). • Resolve deficiencies found during Health Inspector inspections. • Ensuring pool furniture is in good condition, replacing or repairing as needed. • Ordering or purchasing cleaning supplies, restroom products, for general cleaning. • Approving time sheets for pool opening and closing staff Tennis Court • Ensure court (surface, fencing, etc) and equipment is good working order. Order any necessary replacement equipment. • Coordinate with grounds keeping committee member to remove leaves from court. • Ensure lighting is maintained. • Coordinate with and oversee contractors to perform maintenance and repairs. Social Events Committee • Plan, advertise and carry out events for the subdivision. Some past events: Christmas Party Adults, Christmas party kids, Halloween party kids, Easter party kids, end of school year party, summer pool party. Webmaster Committee Member Responsibilities • Responsible for managing and maintaining SRHA website. Tasks include: 1. Updating content 2. Ensuring website functionality 3. Addressing technical issues • Overseeing the overall design and operation of the website. • Essentially, functioning as administrator of a website Welcome Committee Welcome New Neighbors • Have a Neighborhood search set up to track homes going up for sale, pending and sold to know when might be a good time to “welcome” new neighbors, also try to keep up with any new builds or off market sales via neighborhood contacts. • Purchase a couple of small gifts to present to new homeowners (usually candle & chocolate), purchase gift bags and paper, print out information sheet with main HOA contact information and website information. Keep receipts to be turned in to HOA treasurer for reimbursement. • Attempt (2-3) to greet new homeowners in person with “welcome” gift and information sheet, ask if they have received key fob for pool/tennis and if not give them pool/tennis contact person’s information which is also on information sheet. Ask if they have any questions. • If meet in person collect the new homeowner's best email and phone contact information then send to Ann, If no contact leave gift on front door with contact information and a separate sheet stapled to outside of welcome bag asking to send contact information to Ann with email. Sometimes also leave this not in paper box. • If talk to in person mention architectural review information found on website for any visible property changes, additions, fences, etc. (this email also on information sheet given) • If talk to in person ask them to send any neighborhood concerns or complaints directly to the Board president, NOT post on social media as these are NOT official HOA pages Neighborhood Watch Coordinator • In charge of monitoring, collecting, and connecting with neighbors and local law enforcement when the need arises. • It’s important for the Neighborhood Watch coordinator to frequently check sources of suspicious activity reports on,,, etc. • The role can also extend to setting up community events or inviting Knox County Sheriff's office to the neighborhood for informational meetings as seen fit.

Primary HOA Contacts

President -
Treasurer -
Architectural Review -
Neighborhood Watch -
Welcome Committee -
General Issues -
Pool/Tennis Key Fobs -

Clubhouse -

Web Site -

For complete list of Board of Directors,

refer to the residents section.

Mailing Address
Saddle Ridge Homeowner Association
P.O. Box 22248
Knoxville, TN 37933

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New to the neighborhood?  Has your contact information changed?  Please let us know by Submitting Contact Form below:

Thanks for submitting!

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